the deep, deep thoughts of a gentleman who listens to lots of music, plays lots of music and generally likes lots of music... and might write about it from time to time

Thursday, March 03, 2005

We'll See How Long This Lasts

Like so many before me, I begin this blog. I don't know how committed I am to it, but for the moment I think it may be nice to have a place to go... somewhere to "let loose". People who know me know I'm honest, and as scary as it may be to be given an outlet for that honesty, it's hardly a paralyzing fear. I can't say for sure what I may be able to share here, but there have been times when I've felt a need to release my thoughts into the universe. This could prove to be the ideal outlet.

So here we go.

Chances are this will be interesting to no one but me, but as
Mr Breakfast and I discussed earlier today, this isn't for anyone but me.

Or is it?


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