the deep, deep thoughts of a gentleman who listens to lots of music, plays lots of music and generally likes lots of music... and might write about it from time to time

Friday, August 12, 2005

What is it about having too much to drink...

...that makes you think you can drive at ridiculous speeds through a residential area?

Yes, it's Thursday... post DP practice. What else did you expect?

OK... this is gonna be all over the place. Try to keep up.

I just noticed (while I was browsing to see what my "usual" font and color was) a draft I saved entitled "The Fine Art Of Breaking Up". It was a post I'd started about quitting F3K earlier this year. I didn't follow through (on either the post or the quitting... pussy). Good times.

I like my friends, and I like that they can feel free to tell me that they like me.

Kary's dad dumped his lady-friend. They were coming to Jamaica. To the "couples only" resort. Now he's coming alone. To the "couples only" resort. Interesting.

I've been listening to a lot of heavy music lately. TAD, Helmet, Melvins, Prong, Slipknot... am I angry about something?

We think Michael should ask out Stacy, the sassy young lass at The Globe who brings The DP our beer and food every week. She's young and sassy... and not unattractive. Go for it.

Thank you and goodnight.


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