the deep, deep thoughts of a gentleman who listens to lots of music, plays lots of music and generally likes lots of music... and might write about it from time to time

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday

We've been avoiding this for so long
Luxury is temporary then it's gone
I thought that we would happen
I guess I'm wrong
We'll say "Hi" on the street then
We'll move along

I know this will be awkward
But not for long
Cause soon you'll have a new boy
To sing you songs

I will not forgive you
Nor will I accept the blame
I will see you on Good Friday
On Good Friday

I'm sorry I couldn't do this yesterday
And tomorrow I am busy
And what it is I can't say
And Saturday is no good
We've got a show
So it's got to be Good Friday
Then it's so long

I will not forgive you
Nor will I accept the blame
I will see you on Good Friday
On Good Friday

You, you come and go when you please
I know unfulfilled heads
I know you do too
But I, you know I never see
Things through
Never paid attention to you
But honey I tried.

I will not forgive you
Nor will I accept the blame
I will see you on Good Friday
On Good Friday
Good Friday
Good Friday
Oh yes I will

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Take Hold Of The Lame

Kary and I met up with our friend Mike Jaffe this evening for pizza and beer at Pete & Elda's, one of the Jersey Shore area's finest eating establishments. Mike is up from his current home of Florida, "passing the baton" over to the people taking over the position he has recently given notice to (he worked from home for a company here in NJ). He's doing some part time work, but the main reason he quit the job up here is that he will be working full time for Jib Jab, the people that brought you the "This Land Is Your Land" cartoon during the election last year. Mike has been friends with the brothers for years, and has maintained their website since it went up with just a few Flash cartoons and the "Fart Waffle". They've got a pilot deal with NBC and it's looking pretty good to be picked up as a series. Keep your fingers crossed for these Jersey guys, and watch the pilot when it airs soon (it's called "Earth News Now"... that's all I can tell you). They're real talented, and I know for a fact that Mike's a good guy and deserves the best in life.

We talked about tons of stuff, from Mini Coopers to real estate investments, but mostly we talked about the local characters and the usual nonsense they get themselves into. F'rinstance, I caught Mike up on the various band dramas that have been going on, mostly with a Beatles cover band I had been rehearsing with. It didn't last long before I politely removed myself from the situation, but not before Eric, the bass player, quit not once but twice. That pretty much clinched it for me. The whole project was too unstable to invest any serious time to, so I bailed.

There was a new South Park on tonight that I missed, but it's on again at midnight, so I have that to look forward to. I also picked up a new Ben & Jerry's flavor... Dave Matthews Band Magic Brownies... vanilla ice cream with fudge brownies and a raspberry swirl. Works for me, apart from the Dave Matthews involvement. I mean, is that really necessary? Would it have escaped peoples' attention without Mr. Matthews' name on it? I think not. I'll bust it open when South Park comes on. Sweet.

It did not escape me that I made a proclamation earlier on this blog that mine would not rely on "clever links and vitriol", then 2 days later, I post a vitriolic rant with a link. OK, the link wasn't clever, and the rant was not particularly venomous, but it was something that I promised myself I wouldn't rely on. Well, as you can tell from this entry, I'm making up for contradicting myself by writing an especially dull post. I appreciate it if you've made it this far, but seriously... you must have something better to do.

I could go on, but chances are I've lost you all by now, so I will wrap it up with this, the greatest album ever... or at least on March 9, 2005:

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


There is an article on the main MSN page about "leetspeek" that I read out of curiosity, and now I'm just annoyed.

OK, I get that I'm not a kid anymore, and I get that things change, but this makes no sense to me at all. It's not in the same way that I might not "get" kids' music... hell, my parents didn't get my music, and that was sort of the appeal, wasn't it? Same goes for clothes, and even language... I've caught myself using current slang, and I still dress the same way I did in High School... what's old is new again, blah blah blah. But seriously, what's the point of typing with numbers replacing letters (73453 = TEASE), or using slashes to make letters (/\/\ = M), or purposely spelling words wrong... with numbers, no less (pr0n = PORN)?

Here's a particularly perplexing tidbit:
• "roxx0rs" Used in place of "rocks," typically to describe something impressive.

It started with the Instant Messenger slang, like LOL (for "laughing out loud") which evolved into LMAO (laughing my ass off) and even worse, ROFLMFAO (rolling on floor laughing my fucking ass off). That stuff I get... I don't use it, but I respect it's right to exist. At least that made sense... it's an abbreviation... it makes typing simpler. This new shit complicates everything. I kinda understand that kids look at it as code, and if only kids were using it, it probably wouldn't bother me as much. It's when adults, who should know better, start incorporating it into their IMs, or emails, or messageboard posts. I seriously doubt that the kids using it now will be using it once they enter the business world, and if they do, then I'll give up. I'll admit I'm old, I'll pull my pants up to my chest and I'll chase the hoodlums off my lawn. Until then, I'll be pissed that people don't think before they follow. My only hope is that they come to their senses and take a good look at this shit. Christ, look at the fashions from the 80s. We were all into it, but at least we know better now... we can laugh at ourselves.

I'm not laughing. Maybe, someday, I will.

Sure, there are a lot of things I could be bothered by, but the article inspired me so I went with it. Perhaps I'll make up for it later with something worthwhile. Until then, 347 /\/\3.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Barefoot Weekend

I did not step foot outside once from when I got home from DP practice on Friday night until this morning when I left for work. Kary went out once early Sunday for O.J. & bacon for our egg sandwiches, but apart from that, we didn't even change out of our sleepwear (yes, she went to Welsh Farms in her pajama bottoms & slippers). We had plans to do laundry on Saturday, but we blew them off to do aboslutely nothing. Well, not absolutely nothing. We did order from Dominos. Then on Sunday we were supposed to visit new parents Mark & Jenn, but their baby has been keeping them up and they were far too exhausted for visitiors, so we did nothing. I had a long chat with Mark, catching up and just our usual "wherever-the-conversation-takes-us". I've known Mark for about 15 years now (wow) and there was a time he was working 3 jobs, but I'd never heard him sound so tired as when he left us a message inviting us over to meet little Evelyn Ann. I had to apologize to him for laughing, but if you know Mark, then you'll think it was funny, too. I'm sure he and Jenn will be looking for a break at some point, and we'll be there to meet them for dinner and a movie or whatever it is they'd like to do. They're both wonderful people and good friends. We'd do anything for them, including staying away so they can get some rest. Besides, cancelled plans for the day meant I didn't have to put shoes on. Hell, I didn't even put socks on the whole weekend. Sweet.

One of the things we watched in our seclusion was "To Sir With Love", which neither of us had ever seen (I'd seen parts, but never the whole film from beginning to end). We both quite enjoyed it. We talked about how films have changed from 1967; how simple they were then. Simple, yet not everything needed to be spelled out for the audience. We also watched "Man On Fire", which seemed to be the polar opposite of "To Sir With Love". Quick edits, tons of action, gunfire, explosions, plot twists galore... still had a little heart, though. I liked it, actually, but the difference between the way films were made and the way they're made now... well, it was clearly illustrated watching those 2 over the weekend. We also watched "Hannibal", "The Big Bounce", some Season 4 South Park episodes and FOX Sunday's Simpsons & Arrested Development (2 episodes of each). It was a laaaaaaaazy weekend.

Needless to say, I didn't get around to the things I really should have. Kary & I are putting together wedding invitations for her brother and his bride-to-be, and I was volunteered to do caricatures of them for the front of the invitation (it's a casual affair). I haven't even started (apart from a sketch here or there that went nowhere) and they're gonna have to be sent out soon. I also bartered with a friend a while ago... I got a drum kit out of the deal and he gets a website (and some cash). Well, I've had the kit for a month or so now, and no website. I've actually got some of it done on the hard drive, but none of it's ready to upload yet. I had some ideas for it, but when he finally got around to telling me what he had in mind, it was far removed from my vision and I guess I was a little disappointed. And I really shouldn't be, cuz what he wants is much simpler than what I had planned. I have no excuses for procrastinating on either of these resonsibilities, apart from just not feeling inspired. I need to buckle down and focus. Just get the shit done. I know I'll feel better once they're out of the way. What I don't know is why I always put these things off. It's a tough habit to break.

Like allowing distractions like this to keep me from working... something I'm actually getting paid for.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Somewhat Nifty

So much for posting everyday.

And so much for keeping this to myself for a while. I told Kary today about my blog. She immediately asked if it was something I wanted to keep private, or if it was something I didn't mind if she (or anyone else) checked out. I hadn't thought it out that far, really, so I was honest and said "No, you can see it." After all, I was so jazzed about my redesign, it was tough not to tell her about it sooner. I read her the first two posts out loud and for all I know she was bored enough to never visit here... or she's hoping I either write about her (which is inevitable), or reveal some juicy tidbits that I not dare repeat out loud that she can eavesdrop on. Either way I'm cool with her knowing this is here. We have a relationship that is unlike any I've been in before. I'm completely comfortable telling her what's on my mind, and I know she feels the same. If something is bugging me and I tell her about it, she doesn't immediately get defensive, but instead listens and responds. For example, this morning I expressed a concern about something that I've noticed going on in the last week or so, and we talked it out. The best part about it is that in the past I'd have let something like that build up until no matter how hard I tried, it would come out sounding accusatory. That's not necessary with Kary. I'll take the responsibility for the past, cuz it's always been up to me to say something if I wanted to say it. I just didn't. Maybe it was the long break between relationships that gave me time to realize that I had to be with someone that allowed me to be honest all the time... "allowed". That's not right. Again, it's always been up to me, but the thing about Kary is that she listens and thinks before she responds. She doesn't automatically go into attack mode. That alone has enabled me to bring things up that I previously would have been afraid to. We're comfortable with each other, but it's not a lazy comfort. It's an active comfort... one that means a lot to me. She's mentioned that she feels safe with me... safer than she's felt before. That plays into the being-able-to-talk-things-out thing. We each know that it's safe to bring something up that may not be the easiest thing to talk about, because we also know that the other person isn't going to fly into a tizzy and start playing dirty. I can't think of a time that Kary has ever really hurt me. I too feel safe. And it's a wonderful thing.

Back to the narcissism that is this (or any) website. Like I said, I wanted to show off my redesign. Up in the description of this blog, I wrote that "i am so not 'look at me'", which is true... but then again, we all reinforce our existence by interacting with others, right? The internet has made that easier, obviously... it's given every Tom, Dick & Harry a forum. There are blogs that are funny, there are blogs that are informative, but for the most part, blogs seem to be a way for people to say what's on their minds. Even though I have that in real life (see above), I'd feel I was boring Kary to tears if I talked about every bit of minutiae in my life. Perhaps this site will evolve into something more entertaining, but for now, it is what it is. No clever links, no vitriol... just me and whatever spills out.

p.s. The title of this entry refers to a phrase from Matt Groening's "Life Is Hell", in which young Binky stands before a wall of graffiti where the various artists have declared themselves "the best" or "the king"... and in the corner, very small, he has spray painted "Binky is somewhat nifty". I've adopted the phrase for my nearly-non-existent graphic arts business. The dot com is being held by some goofy Canadian (is that redundant?). I've considered registering "somewhatniftygraphics-dot-com", but that would limit it's content to business-type stuff, and I envision it as more of a personal site, with links to a portfolio, my band(s) and now, this blog. I checked his site tonight (which I do periodically to see if I might be able to snatch it up), and it's down. His registration doesn't expire until October of this year (it's kinda scary how easy it is to find these things out... hell, I even have his address if I wanted to toss a brick through his window... British Columbia's kinda far, though), so I can't imagine why his site would be down (he, too, is a graphic artist... he hasn't done much from what I have seen on his site, but I suppose it's enough to keep him busy), but it's a promising development. I may get my website yet. In the meantime, this place is mine, all mine. Somewhat nifty indeed.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Mad Dog goD daM

I've given it some thought and reached a conclusion:

For the time-being, as an experiment of sorts, I will do my best to post here everyday. I can only assume no one is reading this, unless they a) are randomly directed here via the "Next Blog" button up to the right there, or b) took a chance with "gringostar-dot-blogspot-dot-etc", cuz I've used that "handle" for years now. With that in mind (and with the likelihood of me telling people this is here at some point in mind), I think I may be able to write without any kind of self-censorship. Not that I have any deep, dark secrets that I'm keeping from anyone, but if I've got a beef, I'm gonna... um... grill it? regardless of who might be... um... a vegetarian? Man, this is going nowhere. Let's move on, shall we?

Nothing monumental today. I stopped at CD World on my way home and browsed for close to an hour, killing time cuz I knew Kary wouldn't be home until at least 7. I was about ready to leave when I decided to peruse the "other" used section... the one that has the CDs arranged in no particular order, apart from a card separating the As from the Bs, etc. Tori Amos' "best of" for $9.99... with a bonus DVD of some videos. There's 2 songs that weren't on any of her previous albums. Hmm. Pass. Fantomas' "Director's Cut" (all covers of movie soundtracks songs) for $8.99. I've been looking for it, but that's kinda steep. Pass. I was ready to go when I decided to give the Es a look-see. I so often bypass the Es, cuz there ain't a whole lotta bands I listen to or am even aware of... ELO; Eels; Eleventh Dream Day... Ooh! What's this? Elastica's "Menace", the log-delayed 2nd album. For $.99! That's ninety-nine cents! I don't think it was even released in the States. *grab* I'm listening to it now. It's got more electronics than the first album... much less attitude, but I'm digging it. Justine's voice is what makes an Elastica song an Elastica song.

I customized the blog template and gave myself a logo. It's more "me" now. There are so many other things I should be doing with my free time... things that have to be done (like web design work; wedding invitation caricatures; actual 9-5 work that I'm getting paid for) as opposed to things I just want to do (like futz with a blog design that no one but me will see). I'm pretty happy with it, though. It was a little too cheery. Now it's... I dunno. Just more "me".

I guess that's it for now. If you're reading this, feel free to comment, if only to let me know someone's out there.

We'll See How Long This Lasts

Like so many before me, I begin this blog. I don't know how committed I am to it, but for the moment I think it may be nice to have a place to go... somewhere to "let loose". People who know me know I'm honest, and as scary as it may be to be given an outlet for that honesty, it's hardly a paralyzing fear. I can't say for sure what I may be able to share here, but there have been times when I've felt a need to release my thoughts into the universe. This could prove to be the ideal outlet.

So here we go.

Chances are this will be interesting to no one but me, but as
Mr Breakfast and I discussed earlier today, this isn't for anyone but me.

Or is it?